Nowadays, social networks are an important part of our daily lives. As a means of communication, entertainment or even as a resource for reflection, which is what happens with the book that we present here to the public: 80 Estados de WhatsApp
Xabier Vila-Coia, philosopher, political scientist, anthropologist and artist with works in prestigious international libraries (Museo Nacional Reina Sofía, Museu d'Art Contemporani de Barcelona, Peace Palace Library, British Library, Bibliothèque nationale de France, National Library of China, Library of Congress, Harvard University or Princeton University, among others), in this new book, he shows us, through eighty WhatsApp States that incorporate photographs and aphoristic texts, his thoughts and reasoning about the issues that human beings of all times have considered transcendental in their lives: God, work, study, freedom, ideologies, power, wealth, sexuality, love, aging, death...
This is an original and metamodern work in which minority conceptions and vital convictions are freely expressed, but which are the product of decades of dedication to work, study, reflection and contemplation. In it, Xabier Vila-Coia, winner of the National Prize for the Completion of University Studies in Political Science and Sociology with thirteen published titles, offers us his peculiar vision of the things that surround us naturally or that we constitute and construct with our bodies and mental ideations.
The author's aim is to ingratiate and adapt philosophy and art to the new information and communication technologies (in which social networks are integrated), so that their valuable and useful teachings, which are the basis of our scientific, humanistic and political cultures, are disseminated and survive in the new generations.
The book includes an Artistic-Photographic Manifesto in which photographers and artists will find innovative and surprising ideas that will help to differentiate and diversify their productions